Thursday, February 11, 2010

Welcome in the world of Yoga

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Rakesh

Welcome to the Yoga fraternity. I hope you are enjoying the Yoga and the Panayama/Meditation classes. If you need any clarification you are most welcome either thru mail or in the class.

A regular participation would definitely reduce stress & tension, apart from recovery from the backache & knee pain which is very common now a days

The primary aim of Yoga is to restore the mind to simplicity & peace, to free it from confusion and distress. By restoring the body, Yoga frees the mind from negative feelings caused by the fast pace of modern life. The practice of Yoga fills up the reservoirs of hope and optimism within you.

Yoga is a scientific approach to Health, which is preventive, promotive and curative in status. It is not a miracle cure that can free from all stress by itself, but it can help to minimize it in a human being. (Dr. Krishna Raman)

Yoga is not just another exercise. The Asanas activate the glands& the vital organs of the body, by supplying fresh air to the lungs, fresh blood to the brain and possess the unique quality to calm the mind. The Asanas have a positive impact on the effect of stress & disease. (Dr B.K.S.Iyengar)

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